Friday, April 20, 2012

BuyNow B + W 49mm Digital Pro Circular Polarizer Glass Filter

B + W 49mm Digital Pro Circular Polarizer Glass Filter

B + W 49mm Digital Pro Circular Polarizer Glass Filter

Product Description

Polarizer filters suppress disturbing reflection on mirrored surfaces like windows or water surfaces. As a result image information can be restored much better. Using these filters will also improve color saturation and color contrast. The Digital Pro Series filters are designed for users of Digital Cameras and Camcorders. The new chromium-colored mounting goes along perfectly with the light, trendy colors of Digital Cameras. Digital photography gives you advanced capabilities to enhance the picture after it is taken. However one shouldn't forget a very important fact: information which get lost while taking the picture normally even a Computer can't produce afterwards.

  • Increases color saturation and contrast.
  • Decreases annoying reflections from reflective surfaces (e.g., window glass or water surfces).


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